Call for expression of interest
Domovik is inviting all interested candidates, with relevant qualifications, to apply for the activities for the improvement of Capacity, transparency and accountability of Domovik. Interested candidates may apply by following the instructions provided in the following ToRs: LOT 1. Improvement of Human Resources Management (ToR) LOT2. External Monitoring and Evaluation of Domovik’s Strategic Plan Implementation (ToR) LOT3. Advanced Project Cycle Management Training (ToR) Expression of
Public Call for the Consultant for Data Collection, Processing, and Data Analysis
Supported by the European Union Office in Kosovo and the Kosovar Civil Society Foundation, Domovik is implementing Strategic Plan for 2019-2023. As the majority of Domovik’s activities are focused on the wellbeing of children and youth, and the meaningful development of their abilities and skills, we are determined to be the leaders among the civil society organizations operating in this
Public Call for a Company for Design and Running of a Campaign on Volunteerism
NGO Domovik from Mitrovica North was established in 2010. During these years, NGO Domovik was fully operational, working on implementation of many projects. By orientation NGO Domovik is profiled as one that provides activities concerning the psychosocial and physical health, social and legal protection and education of children, youth, and members of vulnerable groups, and as an organization that seeks
Konkurs za projektnog menadžera
Domovik raspisuje konkurs za poziciju Projektni menadžer. Rok za slanje prijava je 15. jul 2022, do 17h. Detalje konkursa možete naći OVDE.
Poziv za dostavljanje ponude za usluge smeštaja i prevoza učesnika treninga
Nvo Domovik iz Mitrovice osnovana je 2010. godine. Od osnivanja NVO Domovik je u potpunosti operativna, radeći na realizaciji mnogih projekata. Po orijentaciji NVO Domovik je profilisana kao organizacija koja se bavi psihosocijalnim i fizičkim zdravljem, socijalnom i pravnom zaštitom i edukacijom dece, omladine i pripadnika osetljivih grupa, i kao organizacija koja nastoji da pomogne ljudima u razumevanju faktora koji
Public Call for a Company for Design and Running of Digital Campaign on Volunteerism
NGO Domovik from Mitrovica North was established in 2010. During these years, NGO Domovik was fully operational, working on implementation of many projects. By orientation NGO Domovik is profiled as one that provides activities concerning the psychosocial and physical health, social and legal protection and education of children, youth, and members of vulnerable groups, and as an organization that seeks
Public Call for the Consultant for Increasing Internal Capacities of Domovik
Supported by the European Union Office in Kosovo, Domovik is implementing Strategic Plan for 2019-2023. As the majority of Domovik’s activities are focused on the wellbeing of children and youth and meaningful development of their abilities and skills, we are determined to be the leaders among the civil society organizations operating in this area. NGO Domovik from Mitrovica North was established
Public Call for the Consultant for the Organizational Capacity Assessment
Domovik is a strategic partner of Save the Children International office in Kosova/o, which is implementing a project of the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA). Sida has a strong commitment to supporting the capacity strengthening of local civil society organizations. In 2017, Domovik performed a baseline Organization Capacity Assessment (OCA) based on the methodology developed by Save the Children.
Public call for a Graphic designer/design company for the improvement of communication and visibility of Domovik
NGO Domovik from Mitrovica North was established in 2010. Since the establishment NGO Domovik was fully operational, working on the implementation of many projects. By orientation, NGO Domovik is profiled as one that provides activities concerning the psychosocial and physical wellbeing, social and legal protection and education of children, youth, and members of vulnerable groups, and as an organization that
Public Call for the Consultant for the Case Study on Establishing a Local Coordination Mechanism for Children
Domovik, as a strategic partner of Save the Children International office in Kosova/o (SCI) is implementing a project supported by Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA). This project aims to work on the improvement of the social atmosphere in the northern Kosovo region, by including all the stakeholders for providing legitimacy to newly developed policies and child rights mechanisms. NGO Domovik