Consultant for Processing of Collected Data and Drafting of the Monitoring Report & Alternative Report
Domovik is inviting all interested candidates with relevant qualifications to apply for the position listed below. Interested candidates may apply by following the instructions provided in the following ToR: Public call: Consultant for Processing of Collected Data and Drafting of the Monitoring Report & Alternative Report Expression of Interest clearly named as the CALL can be submitted at the email addresses and or as
Osnaženi mladi za otporno društvo
Maja 2024, započeli smo projekat „Osnaženi mladi za otporno društvo“ u okviru kojeg ćemo, pre svega, raditi na unapređenju veština mladih ljudi kroz omladinske programe - UPSHIFT, PONDER, PODIUM, radionice, inicijative, kampanje, program vršnjačke medijacije, a u cilju njihovog povećanog angažovanja i doprinosa zajednici. Poseban segment u ovom projektnom ciklusu biće posvećen radu sa učeničkim parlamentima. Nastavljamo rad sa nastavnicima
Call of expression of interest
In partnership with Save the Children Kosova/o, Domovik is implementing activities aimed at reducing the impact of emergencies on children and parents/caregivers in northern Kosovo. The intervention includes emergency preparedness and anticipatory actions. The Child Safeguarding Awareness Campaign aims to address the critical significance of consistently applying the principles of child safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and adolescents within the
Call of expression of interest
In partnership with Save the Children Kosova/o, Domovik is implementing activities aimed at emergency preparedness and anticipatory action to reduce the risk of emergency situations on children and community members in northern Kosovo. Interested candidates may apply by following the instructions provided in the following ToR: Public Call: Develop a child-friendly brochure Expression of Interest clearly named as the CALL the candidate is
Call of expression of interest
In partnership with Save the Children Kosova/o, Domovik is implementing activities aimed at emergency preparedness and anticipatory action to reduce the risk of emergency situations on children and community members in northern Kosovo. Domovik is inviting all interested candidates, with relevant qualifications, to apply for the positions listed below. Interested candidates may apply by following the instructions provided in the following
Osnaživanje civilnog društva u cilju unapređenja programa namenjenih deci
Osnaživanje civilnog društva u cilju unapređenja programa namenjenih deci – novi je projekat koji realizujemo u partnerstvu sa Save the Children. Rad na jačanju kapaciteta civilnog društva, dece i mladih, kao i internih kapaciteta naše organizacije – ključne su tri oblasti delovanja, uz četvrtu - građanski prostor. Fokus je na jačanju kapaciteta organizacija civilnog društva i osoblja Domovika kroz nekoliko treninga