Domovik se zalaže za zaštitu i ostvarivanje prava, unapređenje položaja i kvaliteta života dece i mladih.

Sutjeska bb, Mitrovica +381 28 499 801

фебруар 2021

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Međunarodni dan bez automobila obeležava se 22. septembra, sa ciljem da se automobilisti podstaknu da se, bar na jedan, odreknu svojih vozila. Umanjeno korišćenje automobila, promocija šetnje i vožnje biciklom, neke su od aktivosti na čiji se značaj ukazuje na ovaj dan širom sveta. Emisija gasova putničkih automobila jedan je od glavnih zagađivača vazduha posebno u gradovima, podaci su UN programa

Supported by the UNICEF Kosovo Programme, Domovik is implementing Youth4SocialChanges project. As the majority of Domovik’s activities are focused on the wellbeing of children and youth, and meaningful development of their abilities and skills, we are determined to be the leaders among the civil society organizations operating in this area. We are, hereby, seeking eligible candidates to apply by submitting their

Supported by the UNICEF Kosovo Programme, Domovik is implementing Youth4SocialChanges project. As the majority of Domovik’s activities are focused on the wellbeing of children and youth, and meaningful development of their abilities and skills, we are determined to be the leaders among the civil society organizations operating in this area. We are, hereby, seeking eligible candidates to apply by submitting their