Domovik se zalaže za zaštitu i ostvarivanje prava, unapređenje položaja i kvaliteta života dece i mladih.

Sutjeska bb, Mitrovica +381 28 499 801

мај 2020

  /  2020 (Page 2)

Supported by the European Union Office in Kosovo, Domovik is working on implementation of its Strategic Plan for 2018-2023 period. As the majority of Domovik’s activities are focused on the wellbeing of children and youth, and meaningful development of their abilities and skills, we are determined to be the leaders among the civil society organizations operating in this area. We are,

Supported by the European Union Office in Kosovo, Domovik is working on implementation of its Strategic Plan for 2018-2023 period. As the majority of Domovik’s activities are focused on the wellbeing of children and youth, and meaningful development of their abilities and skills, we are determined to be the leaders among the civil society organizations operating in this area. We are,

Since we live in a digital era where people communicate through mobile phones, tablets and computers more than face-to-face, numerous studies show that cyberbullying is becoming more frequent and that it is most prevalent in adolescents. According to an interlocutor of Radio Kontakt Plus, education is key to solving this problem. We asked a psychologist, Milena Dabetić from Kosovska Mitrovica and

Supported by the European Union Office in Kosovo, Domovik is working on implementation of its Strategic Plan for 2018-2023 period. As the majority of Domovik’s activities are focused on the wellbeing of children and youth, and meaningful development of their abilities and skills, we are determined to be the leaders among the civil society organizations operating in this area. We are,

Supported by the European Union Office in Kosovo, Domovik is working on implementation of its Strategic Plan for 2018-2023 period. As the majority of Domovik’s activities are focused on the wellbeing of children and youth, and meaningful development of their abilities and skills, we are determined to be the leaders among the civil society organizations operating in this area. We are,

Organizacija Domovik raspisuje konkurs za kratku priču na temu dečijih prava. Poziv je otvoren za decu i mlade uzrasta do 18 godina. Autorima tri najbolje priče slede nagrade. Konkurs traje do 15. marta tekuće godine.   Priča treba da bude istinita, a njeni junaci bi trebalo da budu deca i mladi kojima su ugrožena ili uskraćena osnovna prava (pravo na život, opstanak i razvoj, participacija,